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Georgina P. Maskay


Practice bundles in general are best practices that can be applied individually to improve patient care. When these practices are grouped together in bundles and implemented, however, there is much greater improvement to patient care than when applied individually ( cited by Morgan & Thomas, 2007).

Suctioning is the removal of material through the use of negative pressure. Further, it is also the removal of airway secretions by inserting a suction catheter into the patient's oral airway and/or trachea (Medical Dictionary,2003).

A study on patients receiving in-line suction catheter changes every 24 hour had 1,224 catheter changes costing a total of $11,016; patients receiving no routine in-line suction catheter changes had a total of 93 catheter changes costing $837. The findings suggest that the elimination of routine in-line suction catheter changes is safe and can reduce the costs associated with providing mechanical ventilation.

A European survey shows a 72% overall adherence rate to VAP prevention measures; with strong agreements between physician and nurses but considerable differences among countries for availability and organization aspects of infection c Another study on Hand-hygiene and glove-and-gown use compliances were initially high (68% and 80%) and remained stable over time control, providing healthcare authorities with figures for future programs.

In the Philippines pneumonia is the 5th leading cause of death which is equivalent to 8.1% of total deaths in the country.

In some local setting, most nurses commonly practice reusing single use catheters and placing in an open plastic container, Using clean gloves in suctioning and using various water(tap, boil, mineral) for flushing tubing.

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