Enabling Mechanisms – Facilitates the establishment of GAD structure and system within the institution (with the inclusion of Women & children protection unit).  Organizes and capacitates the focal point system and defines its respective roles. Establishes gender responsive database. Reflects the resource allocation of GAD budget in the agency. 

Fostering Human Welfare and Development- Ensures the participation of women in all spheres of development including their benefits mandated by law and the elimination of violence against women and children (VAWC). Capacity interventions to enhance the GAD Key Result Areas. Reflects the expression of support to gender mainstreaming.

Implementing Policies- Concerns in the review, formulation, implementation and monitoring of existing GAD laws.  

Developing and conducting researches – Encourages, initiates and conducts GAD researches  or provides expertise in the formulation of research proposals on problems and topics related to gender aligned in the National Higher Education Research Agenda (NHERA) 

Developing instruction- Develop, review and utilize gender sensitive curricula and educational materials.    Strengthen the existing GAD section in the school library for both campuses. 

Maintaining resource generation & linkages– Responsible in the linkages and alliance work (national and International) in response to gender concerns. It likewise assists in the livelihood and educational competencies and promotes sustainable gender development to the different stakeholders.


The Gender and Development program can be actualized primarily through the concerted efforts of the various units of the college in collaboration with GAD offices from other SUCs, Local government units, people’s organization and non government organizations. The GAD focal person will initiate the corresponding sector/unit to implement their corresponding Gender activities for the realization of the program. Appropriate Strategies will be adapted e.g. information dissemination, research, networking, seminar workshop, Educational tour, write shop, etc.


Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted every after activity and every end of the year. This will include tracking and impact assessment in the development framework with due emphasis on rural development.  Institutional Gender Audit will be implemented every after two years to ensure the realization of a gender sensitive agency.

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