Bontoc, Mountain Province- the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) released the result of the assessment and evaluation for 13 academic programs offered at the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College on April 17, 2017.
Last March 27-April 1, 2017, the AACCUP accrediting team composed of professors headed by Dr. Filemon A. Pamittan of the Nueva Vizcaya State University visited the College to assess and evaluate the 13 programs offered in Tadian and Bontoc Campuses. The College subjected the programs for accreditation to assess if the programs conform to the national standards on quality education and service.

After almost two weeks, the AACCUP sent a letter to the College President, Rexton F. Chakas, containing the result of the said accreditation survey visit. It can be noted that the College performed well since most of the programs accredited this 2017 were able to raise their accreditation status. In the Bontoc Campus, the accreditation status of Doctor of Education major in Educational Management, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Tourism, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration raised up to “Level II Re-Accredited” from “Level I Accredited.” The Master of Arts in Science Education and Master in Teaching English received “Level I Accredited” status from their “Candidate” status.

In the Tadian Campus, the accreditation status of Bachelor of Forestry and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering were raised to “Level II Re-accredited” from their “Level I Accredited” status. The Bachelor of Science in Technical Teacher Education and Bachelor of Agricultural Technology received “Candidate Status” since this is their first visit survey.

The Master of Arts in Education Program did not fare well but it is hoped that the documents and other requirements will be perfected before March 2018 in order to gain “Level III status” from its “Level II.”

MPSPC President Rexton F. Chakas said 85% of the programs received “very satisfactory” remarks while 7 % if the same received “satisfactory” remarks. He said that some interventions will be instituted in the very near future to meet the requirements for the accreditation survey visit next year. “We started important measures to gain these accreditation levels,” he said. “We will continue and we shall be successful,” he said triumphantly.

Dr. Chakas, in a memorandum to all employees and students, and the other MPSPC stakeholders, profusely thanked everyone for their active part in making the accreditation process a success. As usual, he said, this is a collective accomplishment. Nobody can lay claim to this success, if not the MPSPC community.

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