Selected as one among the top choice of topics by the participants during the Consultative summit entitled “A Strategic Convention on Empowerment of Indigenous People (IP) Communities through Education and Self Determination” is the establishment of an IPED Center. This idea came from the participating team of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC)

which was attended by College President of the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC), Dr. Rexton F. Chakas, together with Mr. Joel C. Faroden, the Research Director of MPSPC, Ms. Julie Grace K. Mi-ing and Mr. Rolando M. Tawanna, Jr.

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Dr. Rexton F. Chakas (second person from left) with the other SUC and Private HEI Presidents poses with CHED Commissioner Roland Adamat (fourth person from left).

CHED Commissioner, Dr. Ronald Adamat discussed that the activity aims to generate ideas from the participants which will enhance the current IP education system of the Philippines through the consultation of the Indigenous People (IP) communities and stakeholders with the help of the different participants from the SUCs and HEIs. As the activity proceeded, topics were generated by conveners who hosted the discussion of the topics they have presented.

During the culmination of the activity, Ms. Julie Grace Mi-ing, as one of the convener of the top five priority topics, then presented some insights from the discussion of “Establishing an IPED Center”. Conveners of the top five priority topics were then advised to work out with the other participants in order to establish these selected topics.

The summit was held on November 9-10, 2017 at the Café Fernando, University of Baguio, Baguio City where participants coming from the different State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of CAR and neighboring regions. /Rolando M. Tawanna, Jr.

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