Following a deliberate-conscious stepping up of research-extension fusion, the MPSPC extensionists from the different departments conducted training needs analysis to better determine profile the and analyze the training needs of the adopted schools, municipalities or other organizations prior to the conduct of the extension activity.


Within and across the municipalities, extension services by the concerned departments have been conducted in response to the overflowing requests from beneficiaries.

In Sagada

The Information Technology in cooperation with the Extension Unit conducted the Product Photography and Photo Editing to the weavers in Sagada Mountain Province last November 29-30, 2017.

The workshop was based from the study of Balagtey (2017) that different businesses in Sagada utilize the online marketing tools to enhance their sales. Furthermore, product photos are significant in establishing an online business and maintain its existence on the top. With camera and the products available, online marketers have everything they need to generate product photos for online marketing.

Premised on this, the faculty from the IT Department lectured on the concepts of photography and image editing and mentored the participants on the conceptualization and packaging of their products’ advertisement using photography and image editing.

In Sadanga

On the other hand, the Hotel and Restaurant Management and Tourism Department also conducted a seminar- workshop entitled, “Tourism Promotion: Its benefits towards success” last November 7-8, 2017 in Sadanga. The seminar- workshop aims to increase awareness of the existing and potential tourism destination, road to market mapping for the tourism destination and develop an IEC for the tourism destinations of Sadanga.

In Bauko

The Graduate School conducted an information dissemination regarding the Training Needs Assessment and Pre-Planning of Extension Activities in Bauko last November 24, 2017. The information dissemination also served as the validation of the results with the Bauko District School Heads and Teachers, Through focus group discussions, the priority of needs were identified.

In Natoninteaching outside classroom

The local government unit personnel of Natonin are moderately knowledgeable on the management of meeting but have limited knowledge of completed staff work. This was the result of an earlier survey conducted by the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration during the early part of August 2017. Such was the basis of BSOA department in conducting an extension service to address and enhance the knowledge of personnel and promote better office management and services to the clients. The seminar aimed for the participants to enhance their knowledge on the concepts and protocols of meeting, and bring to increased awareness their own roles in implementing competed staff work in their office and business operations.

In Bontoc

The Department of Business Administration, Department of Liberal Arts, and Graduate School of Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Administration in partnership with the DTI, DOLE, volunteer lawyers and part-time lawyers of the College participated in the 29th Mountain Province Craft Expositions organized by the Provincial Local Government Unit of Mountain Province in December 13-19, 2017.

The free legal and business consultancy service is one way of responding to the College`s vision. It aims to provide assistance or support to the local businessmen and residents of Bontoc in addressing some difficulties in the area of entrepreneurship, livelihood, and legal matters. The services are feasibility and project proposal making, marketing strategies, financial literacy, business registration and legal services such as family relations, property taxation, labor cases, and legal issues in education.

In Barlig

A Training Needs Assessment of Barlig Mountain Province beneficiaries was conducted on November 9, 2017 in response to the request of Mayor Genesis Changilan of Barlig. After the results were consolidated, the Department of Information Technology, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Tourism, Department of Business Administration and Department of Office Administration held their meeting in the HRM/T Lab in the college to discuss their findings and to formulate activities to address the training needs that surfaced in the survey. // AA Odangga

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