Showcasing matured technologies is one of the critical and difficult indicators that set the extension benchmarks to a higher plane. For this year, this dearth of matured technologies was solved with the release of 43 copies of President Rexton Chakas’ book on The Doctrine of Completed Staff Work for Sadanga municipality and 15 copies for Natonin local government unit.

 A seminal work borne out of Dr. Chakas’ 21 years of experience as a secretary of the MPSPC Go

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verning Board, the book presents an overview of the doctrine, describes the whole process of completed staff work, explains how alternatives and solutions to problems are presented and assessed, and describes the criteria for laying out courses of action.

Officials from Sadanga Local Government Unit (LGU) and school heads were the beneficiaries of a Seminar on Management of Meetings and Completed Staff Work on February 24, 2017 where the President tackled all the topics himself. After his presentation and discussion, a workshop on management of meetings and completed staff work ensued where the participants were grouped according to areas of work. Each group presented the outputs where everybody gets to listen to each group’s problems, suggested solutions and suggestive comments from the participants. This was facilitated by a resource speaker.

A similar seminar was given to the LGU of Natonin from November 21 to 23 by the faculty of the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration. Liberty Tudlong discussed on the management of meetings while Trinidad Pasong lectured on Completed Staff Work.
The seminars culminated with the distribution of the books of the college president.// AGF Ekid

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“Staff work is oftentimes an overlooked and undervalued resource, and yet good staff work can enable leaders or executives to make much better decisions in much less time - but only if everyone knows how to provide truly useful work for decision-makers that rely upon them. That is the concept of completed staff work.” - Dr. Rexton F. Chakas

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