MOUNTAIN PROVINCE STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE endured another Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Accreditation Visit for its eight undergraduate degree programs on August 15-17, 2018 in Bontoc and Tadian Campuses. 

The accrediting team evaluated the following: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives (VMGO); Faculty, Curriculum and Instruction; Support to Students; Research, Extension and Community Involvement; Library; Physical Plant and Facilities; and, Laboratories, and Administration.


Spearheaded by College President Rexton F. Chakas, MPSPC welcomed 18 accreditors from AACCUP headed by Dr. Leoncio M. Matibag from Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) at the College Auditorium, Bontoc, August 15 during opening program.

Concerning the objective of the accreditation, Dr. Matibag said, “The team validated and evaluated the academic programs that the college academe had voluntarily presented to AACCUP.” This, according to Dr. Matibag, is in parallel with the common goal and advocacy of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) to improve the quality of service to its clienteles and stakeholders.


The programs of Bontoc Campus that undergone accreditation visit are: Bachelor of Science in Criminology, Level III Accreditation, 3rd Survey; BS in Office Administration, Level III Accreditation, 3rd Survey; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Level II Accreditation, 2nd Survey.

Assuring the academe of a considerate and even-kind accrediting style, Dr. Matibag said “We have come not to harm, but to help you … let us mutually greet the most of it” before introducing the team of Accreditors representing each SUC from all over the country.

The accrediting team for BS Criminology are: Dr. Rodel L. Asuncion of Isabela State University; Prof. Maria Elizabeth P. Abuy of SLSU; Dr. Zenaida O. Luna of Bataan Peninsula State University; Prof. Camia A. Lasig of Central Luzon State University and Dr. Samuel M. Lonez of ISU as their team leader.

Prof. Rosa F. Diestro of Rizal Technological University led the BS Office Ad with Prof. Abuy of Southern SLSU, Dr. Rodel Asuncion of ISU, Dr. Rosalinda G. Nones of Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU), Dr. Jeremias F. Baruga of RTU, and Prof. Camia A. Lasig of CLSU.

Dr. Jeremias F. Buaraga of RTU headed the BA PolSci with Zenaida O. Luna of BPSU, Dr. Rosalinda G. Nones of NVSU, Prof. Lasig of CLSU (Lib.), headed by Dr. Randolf Warren Gregorio T. Mayo II of CLSU.

BS Agroforestry (3rd Survey), BS Civil Engineering (3rd Survey), BS Geodetic Engineering (3rd Survey), BAT (1st Survey), BTTE (1st Survey)

Eleven AACCUP accreditors led by Dr. Nestor Z. Rondina, PRMSU arrived at MPSPC – Tadian Campus last August 15 for the survey visit of the five programs – Bachelor in Agricultural Technology, Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education, Bachelor of Science in Agroforestry, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering.

Prof. Rommel Octavius R. Nuestro, LSPU, team leader for Bachelor in AgriTech; Dr. Ronnie Boy V. Blas, ISU for BTTE; Dr. Darwin E. Totaan, PSAU for BS Agroforestry; Engr. Reynaldo M. Lilan, DMMMSU for Bachelor of Civil Engineering; and Prof, Rosemarie S. Macmac for Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering.

Furthermore, the team members are Dr. Susanita G. Lumbo, OMSC; Dr. Jeffrey A. Lavarias, CLSU; Prof. Irma C. Lomibao, SLSU; Prof. Karen P. Andres, PRMSU; Prof. Vickylyn A. Guieb, ISU; Prof. Roland M. Valencia, RTU; Engr. Cesar M. Bartolo, TSU; Dr. Renalda P. Naciaceno, ISATU; and Dr. Rufo N. Bueza, PUP.

Thorough opulent inspection of laboratories and student services, browsing of documents and exhibit, ambush interviews to alumni’s, staffs, admin, students, and faculties were made. Class observation and on-site visit on the extension project were also included on the following days by the aforementioned accreditors which would greatly help make the programs be eligible for accreditation. /Tala, The Mocking Bird

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