With the release of CHED Memorandum Order No. 12, series of 2018 dated August 20, 2018, the result of the 2016 SUC Levelling Survey conducted by the Commission on Higher Education specified that the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College remained to be at the Level III status. 

          From the said CHED memorandum the College had been successful in undertaking its mandates and functions in instruction, research and extension services and able to meet the minimum standards, however, the College still fell short of the points required for Level IV. In the SUC leveling result, MPSPC was able to garner points in each Key Result Areas, as follows: Quality and Relevance of Instruction [8 points]; Research Capability and Output [7.25 points]; Services to the Community [7 points]; and, Management of Resources [2.25 points]. All in all the College was able to gain total points of 24.50 which is almost above the minimum points for level III which is 24.  

          The Level III status of the College was awarded by CHED in 2010. However, this does not mean that the College was not able to strive, upgrade and update its services. According to College President Rexton Chakas, “In the 2016 SUC Levelling Survey, the instrument used is far different from what was been used in 2003 and 2010. There had been different reforms and agenda that our line agencies, especially CHED, set for every State College and University in the Philippines. With the ASEAN integration, the more that we need to make a different approach in management and administration systems and procedures to align the College with ASEAN standards.”

With reference to DBM-CHED Joint Circular No. 1, series of 2016, the SUC leveling is being used to determine the classification level of the SUC President and allowable number of Vice Presidents for the State Colleges and Universities.  It encourages the administration to integrate interventions to be aggressive in the research undertakings, extend more programs to the community and be at par with other academic institution in the country and the neighboring Asian countries while realizing its vision, mission and goals.

           “Our approach in the management is a reflection of the aphorism ‘hitting two birds in one stone’ but not just two rather more than that. As we are acting out our functions to offer quality education and excellent services to our clients, and as we try to obtain more Certificates of Compliance and the accreditation level of our academic programs, we are also realizing our long dream of becoming a University. As a result, we are confident to eye for SUC Level IV in the next SUC Levelling Survey,” said by President Chakas.

          The evaluation of the leveling of every state college and university is undertaken every three years. According to Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ms. Geraldine Madjaco, “We started to prepare the needed documents for the upcoming SUC levelling survey this 2019. This is something and it needs the hand of every worker in the College since we are eyeing for Level IV.”//James T. Tulipa JR|RoadRollerRelease

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