Dr. Rexton Fagtang Chakas was formally installed as 4th President (2nd term) of the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College presided over by CHED Commissioner Lilian A. De las Llagas, who is also the Chairman of the MPSPC Board of Trustees, the investiture rites served as another milestone in the College’s challenging journey of upgrading and development in solemn investiture ceremonies held at the College auditorium on February 1, 2019.


For the first time in an investiture of a College President in the CAR, all state colleges sent delegations. These were from Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology headed by Dr. Gregorio Turqueza, Jr, from Apayao State College headed by Dr. Nelia Cawilan, from Benguet State University headed by Vice President Kenneth Laurean, from Ifugao State University headed by Dr. Eva Marie C. Dugyon and from Kalinga State University headed by Vice President Marymina Odiem. Also in attendance was a delegation from Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College headed by Dr. Francisco D. Lopez. The Xijen College of Bontoc also sent a high level delegation headed by CEO Helen P. Fagsao.

Easily observed was the strong presence of Provincial Governor Bonifacio C. Lacwasan Jr, Atty. Maximo Y. Dalog, Jr who represented Mountain Province Legislative Caretaker Congressman Allen Jesse C. Mangaoang, Mayor Anthony D. Wooden of Tadian, Mayor Jose Linmayog, Jr of Sadanga, Vice Mayor Uesebio S. Kabluyen, Councilors Julian Chumacog, Viola Okko, Robert Dacyon, and Esteban Nguddo and a host of leaders and elders heads up Bontoc and provincial and national line agencies.

The investiture rites also drew together the other communities and organizations with which the College has existing ties and linkages. This made the affair exceptional and was taken as an opportunity for the College President to rally the different stakeholders behind his leadership.
In his speech, the College President gave credit to different people in his life who mentored and enabled him to improve as a person, an academician, a leader and a man of faith saying, “I am humbled and honored to serve in the line of my steemed predecessors who led this institution since its inception in 1969. In addition, I pledge to give my heart and soul to MPSPC as together we pursue our institutional vision and mission inclined to greater levels of excellence.”

Moreover, he gave the overall direction and expectations on his second term coined in the acronym HERITAGE containing specified details of programs for development and excellence rallying support and commitment of the stakeholders in the pursuit to make MPSPC “a preferred university of developmental culture and inclusive growth.” The President also highlighted the accomplishments and performance of the College officials and further challenging them to trail blaze milestones in their respective sectors. He further commended all the staff and faculty of the administration who made significant contributions and immeasurable results across the four-fold functions of the College.

The investiture was participated by the Board of Trustees, Presidents from different State Universities and Colleges, representatives from line agencies, Provincial and local Officials and visitors.

The “Pasok-ey ad MPSPC,” which was held at the College quadrangle, followed the investiture rites and luncheon. Councilor Julian Chumacog opened the celebration with a chant which was followed by series of indigenous songs, chants, and dances where all dignitaries, stakeholders, and the general public showcased their artistic skills and talents. Aside from the MPSPC Students Cultural Arts Group and the Tadian Cultural Dance Troup, the Capitol Cultural Dance Troup also presented indigenous dances of Mountain Province. Commissioner Llagas and her party, including CHED- NCR Director Virginia D. Akiate and the visiting SUC presidents and their respective parties joined in the festival. Not be outdone were the community elders and political leaders of the province. The festivities included the following “atos” of Bontoc Ili: Sapa-at and Lao-ingan in Sitio Chakalan; Suysuoyan and Maferfer in Sitio Fatayan; Lanao in Sitio Lanao; Palop-o, Foyayeng and Amkhawa in Sitio Foyayeng; and, Malollo and Chuko of Sitio Pokisan. The “Pasok-ey” is the Bontok term for the traditional thanksgiving celebration.

Dr. Chakas is the fourth President of MPSPC. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Saint Louis University at Baguio City, graduating cum laude in 1986. He later pursued his Master of Arts in Public Administration degree (Meritissimus) in 1992 and Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration degree (Meritus) in 2004 at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. Before he became President, he served as the Board Secretary of MPSPC for 21 years at the same time managing administrative key positions such as; Director for Management Information System, Chair in various committees such as the Editorial Board of the Administrative paper, University taskforce, and Personnel Selection Board. In 2004, he was designated Vice President for Administration and Finance and in 2006, became the Dean of the Graduate School for four years.


THE MPSPC PRESIDENT’S INVESTITURE- MPSPC College President Dr. Rexton F. Chakas was formally installed into office by Commissioner Lilian De Las Llagas, Chairman of the MPSPC BOTs during the Investiture program held at the MPSPC Auditorium on February 1,2019. (Below) Comm. Llagas danced with the community with the Board of Trustees, CARASUC Presidents, representatives from line agencies, Provincial and local Officials and visitors during the “Pasok-ey Ad MPSPC” after the formal investiture program.  //WARDEN B. TALTALA

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