MPSPC President Dr. Rexton F. Chakas with Dr. Venus Grace K. Fagyan, the VP for Resource Generation and Linkages heeded the invitation to welcome the BSU President Dr. Feliciano G. Calora, Jr. on the latter’s simple but well attended investiture on May  17, 2016. 

In this ceremony, Calora received the University Mace with the embossed seal of BSU symbolizing the authority to lead the university to progress, the medallion symbolizing the authority and responsibility vested upon the president and the University Charter which contains the beginnings and developments of the school.

The newly installed president is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Forestry and completed his post graduate studies at the University of the Philippines-Los Baños.   

In his 26 years as a professor in this university, he was appointed as the dean of the College of Agriculture, director for Planning and Development and vice-president for Academic Affairs.

Calora ensured the preservation of the university's academic and service excellence as his four-year term will be guided by five-core values: student and leader centered with integrity, diversity, efficiency and quality service.

Calora stated that the first step is to heed the call for a radical and progressive change to position BSU in the Asian region. He also pointed out that there is a need to understand our Asian neighbors to be compatible and can go beyond their standard of excellence.

Meanwhile, Dr.Chakas is optimistic that Dr. Calora will blend well with other CARASUC presidents as other previous BSU presidents did.  /Wynner Sayaan

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