The Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Gender and Development (GAD) Unit successfully concluded the three-day Trainors' Training today, equipping participants with essential GAD concepts to shape the MPSPC GAD Manual. The training not only enhanced the capacity of the TWG members but also provided them an opportunity to present their GAD Project Proposals which will form part of the 2024 Priority Programs of Gender and Development.

PCW Undersecretary Sandra Montano and Commissioner Amielyn M. Limbona served as resource persons and they also visited the College's IPEd Resource Center for Kankana-ey Culture at the Tadian Campus. The center showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Kankana-ey community and serves as a valuable resource for fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.

Throughout the training, participants delved into various GAD concepts, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate gender perspectives into their work. The training aimed to strengthen the implementation of GAD programs and initiatives within MPSPC, fostering a more inclusive and gender-responsive environment.

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of GAD Project Proposals by the TWGs. These proposals will contribute to shaping the 2024 Priority Programs of Gender and Development, reflecting the college's commitment to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in all spheres of its operations.




    E WEB Goal 17


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