College President Dr. Edgar G. Cue attended the coordination meeting relative to DPWH-CHED Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 01, Series of 2024, with the subject “Guidelines on the Implementation of FY 2024 General Appropriations Act Special Provision No. 5 on State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) Infrastructure Projects” at the DPWH-CAR Regional Office, Multipurpose Hall, Engineer’s Hill, Baguio City, yesterday, May 7, 2024.
The said event focused on the following topics: Details of the Memorandum of Agreement; the Joint Validation Report; the Certificate of Availability of the Detailed Architecture and Engineering Designs; the Right of Way and Lot Ownership Certification; and the Certificate of No Pending Payment/ Arrears from Local Electric Cooperative.
Dr. Cue was accompanied by Vice President for Administration and Finance, Mr. Reynaldo P. Gayo, Jr., and College Engineer Cleto P. Dalmacio.


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