Representing President Edgar G. Cue, VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mark Preston S. Lopez, joined representatives of selected Philippine HEIs for a campus visit of the Burapha University as an offshoot of the APCORE’s initiative for sustainable internationalization programs. The team of academicians had the privilege to be introduced to the School Board presided by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadayu Teeravanittrakul, Dean of the Faculty of Education. Following the tour of the basic education facilities, the team had a meeting with Asst. Prof. Dr. Sukanlaya Sucher, Associate Dean for Academic and Special Affairs to discuss areas for possible collaboration.
For MPSPC, programs under the Teacher Education department, specifically Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and English are the closest possible disciplines for faculty exchange (visiting professors) and student practice teaching/internship. In the meeting, the concerned officials agreed to undertake virtual meetings to further discuss the next steps to realize a functional collaboration. The campus visit was another productive endeavor that complemented MPSPC’s stint as an institutional partner of APCORE in organizing the successful Asian Graduate Studies Summit 2024.


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