𝟬𝟰-𝟭𝟱-𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 | Adopting the best practices of other HEIs on internationalization, the Office of the Director for Local and International Linkages, together with the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, conducted an informal brainstorming session to explore a partnership between MPSPC with two Thai universities.
This initial talk on international collaborations was an off-shoot of the College’s involvement in the Asian Graduate Students Summit (A-GRASS) 2024 held in Chon Buri, Thailand on April 3-5,2024. Dr. Mark Preston S. Lopez, VPAA, convened the Teacher Education and graduate school management and concerned faculty, the Curriculum & Instruction unit, the Quality Assurance unit, and the faculty association, to discuss initial collab activities with the Burapha University in Bangsaen, Thailand and the Mae Fah Luang in Changrai, Thailand.
The international relations officers of both universities have expressed in writing their interest to forge ties with the College on teacher education and graduate school programs In English education.


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