The MPSPC Warriors secured the sixth place during the recently held Cordillera Administrative Region Association of State Universities and Colleges (CARASUC) Athletic Meet in Luna, Apayao from April 28 to May 3, 2024. Vice President for Administration and Finance Mr. Reynaldo P. Gayo, Jr. received the award in behalf of the College.
Congratulations to our MPSPC Warriors for your strong determination in winning and bringing home 19 gold medals, 54 silver medals and 60 bronze medals.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the people who in one way or another, supported our warriors in their hurdles- the administration MPSPC President Edgar G. Cue, all college officials, the local government units, the coaches and parents/guardians, the Mess Committee, the medical team, the security services, the drivers, the Mr. and Ms. MPSPC CARASUC Team, the Tumog Elementary and National High Schools, the PNP personnel of Luna, Apayao, and all the College personnel and students.
Matago-tago takho am-in!
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