Ms. Crystine C. Felimon from the Guidance and Counseling Office and Mr. Ariel Joseph Fantiyao from the Student Services and Development Office attended the second part of CHED-CAR’s training for Guidance Counselors and Student Affairs Officers on Drug Education Program at the Baguio City Plaza Garden hotel on June 6, 2024.
This training is in support of the Executive Order No. 60 signed by then President Rodrigo R. Duterte, “Institutionalizing the Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs Strategy (PADS). The event further aimed to understand public health issues related to drug abuse, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. Further, the participants learned about the implementation of community-based intervention and Rehabilitation for Persons who Use Drugs (PWUDS), slight and moderate drug addicts. This in general, is aimed at a Drug-Free Higher Education Institution.
The event was participated by Guidance Counselors and Student Affairs Officers of various Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) and State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the region.


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