College President Dr. Edgar G. Cue, represented by Vice President for Administration and Finance Mr. Reynaldo P. Gayo, Jr. received a certificate of recognition during the monthly flag-raising ceremony at the Provincial Plaza, Bontoc, Mountain Province today, May 6.
The award is an acknowledgment of Dr. Cue’s unwavering support in celebration of the 57th Founding Anniversary and 17th Lang-ay Festival of Mountain Province held in Bontoc last April 1-7, 2024.
Moreover, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Mark Preston S. Lopez also received MPSPC's certificate of recognition for its services rendered during the same event.
Meanwhile, Ms. Venus Naida P. Bawian, Director for Sports and Athletics, also introduced Ms. CARASUC 2024, Ms. Loriegel L. Bigwil.


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