Toward its commitment to support students in different spheres, College President Dr. Edgar G. Cue extended his words of encouragement to the student – athletes of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC) during the sendoff program at the College Auditorium yesterday, April 26. The student – athletes will be representing the college in the Cordillera Administrative Region Association of State Universities and Colleges (CARASUC) Athletic Meet 2024, which will take place at Apayao State College from April 29 to May 4, 2024.
As part of his message, Dr. Cue underscored three traits that athletes could impart as they compete in their respective games. He said, “[H]aving SELF-DISCIPLINE, RESILIENCE, and COMPETITIVENESS will surely put you on top. Believe in your abilities, trust the process, and be the discipline as what MPSPC has molded you to be.”
He also reminded the athletes to implore sportsmanship by embodying the values of respect, justness, and humility with their competitors.



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