“In celebration of the International Teacher’s Appreciation Week, let this be a token of recognition from our sublime forte of educating not one, but many individuals, while becoming a role model to the lives of those in need,” said MPSPC President Dr. Egdar G. Cue in his welcome message during the International Professorial Lecture Series at the Admin Conference Hall, Bontoc today, May 10.
The activity features Dr. Timothy M. Vetere, Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Education University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, Florida, USA as the lecturer of the activity dubbed “Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers Today: Designing and Implementing an Equity-Centered Teacher Education program.”
Participated by the various Teacher Education Institute (TEI) in the Cordillera Region, the activity sought to provide TEI faculty members a relevant platform of learning that can be translated to a responsive pedagogy for pre-service teachers and disseminate the ways that a UF program developed a new curriculum in Elementary Education teacher preparation for inclusive and transformational learning among 21st century learners while strengthening partnership with UF toward meaningful and relevant partnership for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


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