Library Committee

Functions of the Library Committee:

  1. Serves as a liaison group between the librarian and the faculty in an advisory capacity.
  2. Serves as the main channel of communication between librarians and the library users.
  3. Works towards the continuous development and improvement of the library resources.

Functions of the Programs Deans/Representatives:

  1. Serve as the contact person regarding the procurement of library resources under his/her department.
  2. Coordinate, facilitate and organize the lists of needed books based from evaluation for purchase request.
  3. Provide the librarians the necessary information regarding new updates on curriculum.
  4. Gather recommendations from faculty concerning the improvement of the library resources and services.
  5. Review and provide inputs in the library policies, budget preparation and the formulation of a library development plan.
  6. Serve as counsel on the library administration and general welfare and/or management of the library.
  7. Attend Library Committee Meetings to discuss issues concerning the improvement of library services and resources.

Functions of the Student Representatives:

  1. Help disseminate information of library services and activities to students.
  2. Present problems of students about the library services during Library Committee Meetings.


  1. Chairman: Vice President for Academic Affairs
  2. Vice Chairman : Executive Director, OSA
  3. Secretary to the Board/Committee: Head Librarian
  4. Members: Librarians, Department Chairmen or School Dean, SSG Presidents (Bontoc and Tadian)
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