03-31-2020. On March 28, 2020, the College Management noted of a post on social media regarding students who are still stranded in Bontoc and are apparently seeking assistance. In view of this, the College President instructed the MIS to repost and disseminate an announcement in all its social media accounts and through text messages, as a last-ditch effort advising all students who are stranded in Bontoc to coordinate with the College through its emergency hotline number. Following this, the College recorded a total of 76 stranded students.

        Heeding to the call for fortifying its collaborative partnership with the community, the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College Roadroller, the Administration’s official publication, went on air over Radio Ayyoweng 101.5 FM during its maiden broadcast last January 17, 2020 in Tadian, Mountain Province. The College President, Dr. Rexton F. Chakas led the MPSPC team during the launching of the radio program which also commenced the series of activities of the Charter Anniversary celebration in the Tadian campus.

         The outbreak of the pandemic Covid19 is likened to a strong surge of water that gushed to the shore – strong, impactful, and dreaded. The difference is that the powerful waves are visible to the naked eye, as they approach the shore. Meanwhile, Covid19 is invisible, yet it possesses dominion over anyone and everyone, and its indelible impact shall remain in the history of mankind.

“ Yalim nan bayntim, egay ka naka uniform…Nah tay empleyado kayo sina MPSPC masapor in uniform kayo chadlo ay mamadam ya mimistulo tay khag awis chadlo nan mail-an na…Adi kayo sumunget nu chakayo ma-fine tay chakayo nangikwani sina ya ay ma fine nan adin yun-uniform..Nan tupay a-apo ya ken fine ko tay adi cha naka uniform ya...Uray nu job order kayo, maki-uniform kayo, waday nan MPSPC t-shirt ay lakon si iskwila-an ay pang job order, engkayo lumako ta maki uniform kayo tay cha kayo in madno sina saet waday nan linteg tako pangkhep ka uniform, adi kayo in lililili…”

         The Mountain Province State Polytechnic College inked its 28th Charter Anniversary on January 17, 2020 and commemorated this significant event “the MPSPC way”. This year’s celebration was designed with various activities that espoused the theme “Accelerating Social Transformation through Academic Excellence and Collaborative Partnership the MPSPC Way.” As the theme implies, the College is persistent in its pursuit to effect meaningful change that bears an MPSPC trademark within its turf and across the larger communities that it serves. As such, the 28th Charter Anniversary celebration also centered on recognizing the vitality of the College’s partnerships with different agencies, institutions and groups who share that same vision of the College. Twenty years after its conversion from a community college to a state college, and soon to a state university, MPSPC embraces the need to sustain and accelerate its momentum towards academic excellence and quality service.

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       “Sometimes, we put the limitations upon ourselves, in fact, these limitations have been a constant challenge until today, and what have we actually done with these limitations? We should instead strive to turn these limitations into opportunities.” This was the gist of the year-end assessment which was participated by officials and designees of the four major sectors of the College, including the Office of the President.

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